Photo Wallpaper

Home Inspiration & Trends Inspirations & Trends Photo Wallpaper

Live your style

A large-scale range shows photographs with a guarantee of individuality - From impressive landscape and animal motifs, black and white photographs, eye-catchers to artistic and stylish illustrations. Brilliant wall decors with outstanding image quality and an attractive, environmentally friendly profile are created by the combination of water-based latex inks and the proven non-woven wallpaper used.


In addition to the huge selection of motifs, our photo wallpapers become completely individual designs. Talk to us!


With their bright colours and eye-catching patterns, the photomurals inspired by the Dompamine trend are sure to put you in a good mood!

Whether it's colourful retro patterns or bright leaf designs, there's something for everyone!




The jungle is calling! 


Exotic mood and tropical atmosphere are guaranteed here.


Because photo wallpapers jungle bring good mood, positive energy and a lot of liveliness into the home. 




Deceptively real!


Our 3D photo wallpapers have an insane effect. The realistic look can make rooms appear larger, higher, longer or more open.



Animal hair allergy? No problem!


With our photo wallpapers, your wall gets an animal eye-catcher that captures the wild nature within reach and tempts you to touch it.


As a lifelike sketch, colourful watercolour or cute comic, the photo wallpapers with animals give an individual living feeling, in different and individual styles.



© 2025 A.S. Création Tapeten AG