Product catalogue

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The A.S. Création product catalogue online

The online product catalogue shows our current range without price information and without purchase option in four languages and serves as an online consulting tool for our A.S. trade partners.


More than just a product catalogue


With our online product catalogue, you can stay up to date and never miss a wallpaper trend in the future. The wallpaper search serves as your perfect companion for professional wallpaper advice. 
Apply various filters or search options and click your way through the diverse collections.

When you have found what you are looking for, you even have the opportunity to look at the wallpaper in your room or in one of the rooms we have specified and get a foretaste of a new way of living.


Contact person Georg Müller

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Send us an email: contact(at)

Your contact person: Georg Müller

We look forward to hearing from you.

© 2025 A.S. Création Tapeten AG